Who do we treat?
Children’s Therapy Network knows that every child and every child is unique. We believe families are the best teachers of their children, and by educating the family, the whole family benefits. We work with children at various ages and stages. Our therapists have skills to address children with neurological impairment, learning disabilities, developmentally delays, stuttering, verbal and oral apraxia, articulation and voice disorders, and hearing impairments.
EARLY INTERVENTION: Early Intervention Refers to the treatment of children under
the age of 3 years old.
Federal and State requirements mandate that each state has a comprehensive early intervention program to fund therapy services for children under the age of three identified as at-risk for long lasting developmental delays. Each state will have its own eligibility requirements to qualify for state funded services that either align with or are greater than Federal requirements.
Research has shown the best time to make the greatest impact and long-lasting results is when the child’s brain is in the early stages of growth. Studies show significantly better results in children treated before 3 years old.
Research has demonstrated that children who have been identified as being high risk for delays, or those born with a genetic disorder that puts them at risk for delays, make vast improvements in their development if they receive early intervention before the age of 3 years. Children who participated in an early intervention therapy program were found to need less therapeutic interventions in the future, as well as perform better in school and sports as compared to their counter peers who did not receive early intervention.
Children’s Therapy Network also provides services to children past the early intervention stage when it is found to be needed to continue to further their progress. CTN believes in a holistic approach, and offer several parenting classes, support groups, and therapeutic avenues.
SCHOOL BASED: School based therapy refers to children that are school age from 3 to 21 years of age who have developmental delays which negatively impact their academic abilities. School based therapy requirements and eligibility are established by the local school board. Our therapists are knowledgeable in school therapy requirements and are able to distinguish what is school based vs. medically based therapy. We have experience collaborating with school districts to ensure that the school is meeting compliance requirements set forth by a child’s Individual Education Plan (IEP).
Research has shown that children who struggle in school often times show poor performance later in life resulting in lower paying jobs and less job satisfaction. School Therapy can provide the boost and/or support that your child needs to succeed in school through skill improvements or adaptations for performance, giving your child the skills, they need to succeed in life.
MEDICALLY BASED: Medically based therapy is a term used to distinguish therapy that is medically or functionally related, and not academically related. While medical necessity may impact a child’s academic performance, the ability to distinguish the two is related to whether the school and insurance funds the services. Each insurance carrier as well as each individual’s plan may vary with that is considered medically necessary and therefore covered by insurance. Contact your insurance carrier, or call CTN to assist you.