Children’s Therapy Network (CTN) believes in empowering our employees by providing continued education. By elevating our own employees, we elevate the company and those that we provide services to. CTN and the majority of its employees, have taken the extra step to obtain the training and certification needed to provide optimal tele-health care and improve our outcomes. NOT ALL TELE-HEALTH WORKS ARE THE SAME.
Our Telepractice certification meets federal and state requirements set forth by the CARES act and medi-care and medi-cal guidelines. During the COVID 19 pandemic, our system was flooded by practitioners who claimed to be tele-health providers. While it may be true that many picked up a laptop/tablet or phone to provide services, they may not have been following best practices.
CTN has been providing tele-services since 2015 and has taken the extra step to ensure that we maintain HIPPA and FERPA compliance, use technology that meets state and federal regulations as well as is easily accessible. We recognize that Tele-service may not be ideal for everyone, the people that we do provide tele-services to can be assured that services are administered professionally, effectively, ethically and follow standardized practices.
Tele-Therapy: Also Known as Virtual Therapy/Tele-health/Tele-services/E-Therapy
What is Teletherapy?
• Tele-Therapy refers to the use of technology by therapists to provide care and services using electronic communication technology.
• Tele-Therapy therapy allows your child to participate in the same interventions that your OT, PT or Speech therapist would do in the clinic BUT it is in your home using the video on your computer, tablet of smartphone.
• Tele-Therapy therapy can be delivered to any age group utilizing various forms of tele-communications systems, most often using a video chat feature.
• Tele-Therapy therapy may include any or all of the following: live video visits, text reminders, educational videos, email, online communication logs, patient portals, and online tests.
How does Tele-therapy therapy work?
• Children’s Therapy Network has the capability to provide Tele-Therapy using the most convenient platform that works for you.
• For young children a parent or caregiver will need to be present and actively involved in the therapy session to help facilitate the therapy.
• Older school children usually are quite adapted to technology and are often able to participate as readily online as they would in a clinic.
• Tele-Therapy visits should consist of both video and audio components for the best results. However, tele-therapy also includes electronic delivery of exercises, videos, articles and online communication logs.
• While a computer with a large screen and video and auditory capability is preferred, tele-health can be conducted using tablets or smartphones as well.
Why should a parent choose Tele-therapy/Virtual Therapy? What are the benefits?
• Multiple research studies have shown that Tele-Therapy can be just as effective as in-person therapy.
• Tele-Therapy can be used to relieve the burden of travel to and from clinics or offices. This reduction in travel can be especially helpful if:
• The family has multiple children and schedules to juggle.
• A parent or sibling is sick, but the child who is receiving therapy is healthy enough to participate in therapy.
• The family lives in remote areas and do not have in person services close by
• While Tele-Therapy services offer flexibility of scheduling, they are just as important as an in-person visit where consistency is key to success.
• Consistently working on a skill is the best way to master that skill!
• Tele-Therapy actively integrates family members into each session, enabling the therapist to develop a useful understanding of the family dynamics.
• Family participation is expanded and improved.
Why Google Classroom?
• Children’s Therapy Network’s preferred platform to use for our Tele-services is Google Classrooms.
• Works across multiple devices, web browsers, tablets and phones.
• HIPAA compliant as the family must have a secure classroom code to enter their virtual classroom.
• “Classroom” offers
• Video Chat through Google Meet
• Online communication logs with Google Hangouts/Chat
• Ability to upload and store client assignments in one convenient location.
• Client electronic verification of therapy.
• Simple and intuitive platform that most children are familiar with as many schools use Google classroom already.
• CTN can invite other care professionals to whom you give permission to join your child’s “classroom” to efficiently collaborate.
What a session might look like?
• Parent/caregiver receives an email with a link prior to their scheduled therapy session
• Parent/caregiver clicks the link and types in child’s classroom code
• Therapist will join and you will see their face on screen
• The therapist will give directions for the child to do a task.
• If the child needs help, the therapist will guide the parent/caregiver or older sibling on how to help.
Is Tele-Therapy effective for young children?
• No child is too young for Tele-Therapy.
• Parents/caregivers are required to be present and actively involved.
• As a parent you should know how to replicate at home what your child does in therapy. Your active involvement is the true key to improvement.
• A child needs to practice nearly every day to accomplish skills. Your therapist will teach you how to help your child. Then you will have these skills to help your child every day!
• If you are unsure that your child would do well with Tele-Therapy, the only way to know is to try. You might be surprised! We would suggest that you give tele-therapy a try 4-5 times before making a decision. Often, the first two sessions include getting used to the technology, so be fair to yourself and your child before deciding Tele-Therapy is not for you.
• While Tele-Therapy may not be for everyone, it is important to have an alternative form of therapy in the event you are unable to attend an in-person visit.
What if my child will not pay attention to the video screen?
• No problem! As long as the parent learns how to challenge the child on the requested task, the parent can redirect the child to practice the skills. The great news is the parent now knows how to practice each skill with their child even when the therapist is not present.
What if we are too busy with work and school to do therapy at home?
• Your therapist will work with you on a schedule that works for your family! Life is busy!
• Your therapist can also work with you for a program that best serves you, such as a combination of video time, communication logs and uploading videos and activities into your classroom which you then can attend to when you have time.
• We challenge you to make the time to push your child’s potential, so their confidence continues to grow. We want to help. Let us know what will work for you!
• Remember, your child needs you.